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Four Reasons Why A Loving Relationship Is Good For You....


Hello Readers,

On any given day, who is your favourite human? Who is the first to enter your thoughts as you open your eyes in the mornings? Who do you call to share your good news, funny stories and daily gossip? People engage in various relationships for many different reasons from day-to-day interactions with our partners and children, engaging with co-workers, even a stranger on our commute home. These loving interactions are what helps to define our characters and keeps us healthy. “People who have healthy relationships have better health outcomes, are more likely to engage in healthy behaviours and have decreased mortality rates”, said Kendra Cherry.

Now we all know that there are many reasons why being in a loving relationship is good for the soul but lets focus on four that surrounds good health:

  1. Good Heart Health

I know how my heart reacts when Mr Lover is around, how about you? The heart starts to race, causing the brain to release dopamine, norepinephrine and adrenaline. These hormones are responsible for allowing you to feel pleasure and satisfaction.

2. Lower Blood Pressure

It has been said that being in love tends to decrease our stress responses, which can in turn lower blood pressure. Studies have shown that a strong love bond can improve your blood pressure whilst being alone or being around strangers can cause it to increase. Those is favour of greater heart health say Aye...AYE!!!

3. More Physically Fit

It’s hard enough trying to motivate yourself to workout and to eat healthy, the support from a partner or a good friend can give you the necessary boost to stay on track. I'm definitely a victim to my own motivation as I find that I am more likely to attend a gym session if my partner or a friend is there with me.

4. You Live Longer

Being in a loving relationship works wonders for your mental health and creates healthy habits that tends to increase longevity. Love and overall wellbeing reduces stress, which can also strengthen your immune system.

So YES, loving relationships make us all happy but it also attributes to our health. From good heart health to living a long prosperous life. What more can you really ask for in life? I’m down with the simple pleasures of loving relationships and happy memories. Go, run and tell your favourite person that you love them and I’ll see you in my next post.

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