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Are Women Cheating More Than Men in 2022?


Hello Readers,

Ohhhh what a week it has we all know that it is every person’s worst nightmare to catch your lover being disloyal to your bond but are women really cheating now more than men is up for debate.

The conversations surrounding this weeks topic has left my ears burning and my lips dry as I was chewed up and spat out by my fellow male counterparts. This was to be expected of course, as the men were quick to jump on the idea that women of today are 100% more disloyal.

We could go back and forth for months debating this topic but let's have a look at some statistics dating back to the 1990’s. Research states that men have always been more likely to cheat than women with infidelity rates peaking amongst men aged 50-59 (31%) and women aged 40-49 (18%). Data from the General Social Survey (GSS) highlighted that 20% of men and 13% of women reported that they’ve had sexual intercourse with someone other than their partner while married.

However, we are not talking about the 90’s are we?!!

We are discussing the millennial era of the “City Boys” and the “City Girls” which I'll go ahead and explain for those who are unaware of the above terminologies. According to the urban dictionary, a City Boy is a male who is living his very best life and chasing the bag at all times not letting “City Girls” or any female get in the way. Similarly, a City Girl don’t give a fuck ‘bout no man, in her bag one way or the other, is not a hoe but can easily be classed as one. She likes to have fun because life is for living TF......Haha!

Yes, you read it right and they are taking over.

A research study from 2018 found that women between the ages of 18-29 were more likely to cheat than men of the same age group. What changed? Is there a cause for the rising numbers in women who cheat?

“The gap shifted when women went to work and began making their own money and choices; with choices comes easier dissatisfaction,” voiced by sex therapist Angela Skurtu.

Over the years there has been an increase in responsibilities, therefore increasing the needs and the wants of the modern day woman. Can we also note that women are in a better position to seek out the sexual and emotional gratification that is lacking in their relationship. Nevertheless, infidelities could be committed for many reasons:

  • Feeling unwanted by your partner

  • Dissatisfaction in the relationship

  • Anger or Retribution

  • Looking for validation or proof that you are still valuable

  • Bored and looking for some excitement

  • Addicted to sex (needs not being met in the relationship)

  • Opportunity

  • That is who they are and just don’t deserve you

Whatever the case, there is always a reason.

“When women struggle to be honest about what they want with their partners and instead seek out a fantasy world that not only numbs but creates an amazing jolt to the system. An affair is an escape from your reality.” Angela Skurtu


How To Confront Your Partner

It is always difficult to conduct yourself reasonably and with rationale when your heart is pounding, your blood is boiling and there is a knife wedged in your back. There is no rule book on how to confront your partner but here are a few things to be aware of:

  • You can’t do it alone, your partner has to be ready and willing to discuss the situation

  • Don’t ask for the details!!! Cheating is not the issue, you have to detect what’s under the surface. What is the real issue us between you and your partner?

  • Be aware that it is going to be very emotional, make sure you are in the right state of mind to handle what is coming

  • Be aware that asking too many questions may cause your partner to shut down or get defensive

  • Don’t react impulsively - your life is not a reality show

I never said it was going to be easy but most importantly you have to know what you want. You cannot expect others to know what you have never spoken or expressed. Use your words! Talking openly and honestly with understanding are some of the best conversations you will have with you partner (very much dependant on the individuals involved).

To conclude, are women cheating more than men in 2022? I really don’t think it’s a straight yes or no answer, my thoughts are that women have always been cheating and the men were just too afraid to admit publicly that they had been cheated on. That has since changed as the men of today are becoming more vocal about the toxic cycles in their relationships.

What do you think? Can you share your own experience if any? Please like, share and be interact in the comment section.

I look forward to seeing you in my next post.

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